My dear brothers and sisters in the Love of God, which is Jesus Christ!May the Peace and Grace of our God which is Jesus Christ Himself continue to abide in you,As you know faith Comes by hearing the Word of God which is Jesus Himself.
I dont really know the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse as probably most christians do but i know that it contains and tells us about the Truth, which is Jesus. It´s the Infant milk.
The other time the Lord Jesus gave me a message for a friend of mine after revealing things in the Spirit to me.He told me to tell my friend to pray concerning hife wife and his sister-inlaw and He also gave me a Name.So i wrote my friend if there was anyone by that Name in his Family.and he confirmed there were a few People by that i asked if was of them was his sister-inlaw.he said yes.then i conveyed the message of the Lord to him.
Upon that he sent me a verse in the Psalm, writing that he is always and already proctected.
Then the Lord said to me : " Thou shall not live by bread alone by every word that comes out of the mouth of God."
I knew that statement was written somewhere in the New Testament but i did not know exactly where, so i searched for itto truly verify it.
Then guess what: He, The Lord our God, showed me that i never undetstood that verse.The Lord told me that the bread was the bible which gives us some knowledge of Him.But that alone is not enough.We need His Wisdom...We need Jesus Christ, Who is the Wisdom of God to enlighten us and make us understand understand His Word, that is: Himself.
One more thing, most of the time, when the Lord gives me a vision, a dream, a message or a prophetic word or songs, He also gives me a scripture, where i can read, verify& confirm that it is really He,who is speaking through me and with me.