Let us not move even an inch without Him and let us not breath without. For were have been made to revolve around Him, having Him as our centre and the core of our inmost being.
Jesus Christ is our life and the very source of our existence. Jesus Chrst is our heart.if our heart stopped beating we would definetly die.We cannot live without our heart so we cannot live without Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the blood that circulates in our bodies and we would surely die without having His blood continuously circulating within us.We Need a heart and we also need blood for the heart to be pumping and keeping all functions in our bodies moving.
We Need Jesus Christ, His Heart, His Blood and we need His Holy Spirit to fill and move us, to guide and direct us and to Keep us functioning according to the perfect Will of our most perfect God, Adonai.
Let us ask for Jesus Christ and also let us ask Him to make us and our hearts His dwelling place, and surely He will give Himself to us and we shall receive Him freely. And He will come and dine and dwell with and in us.
Let us seek Jesus Christ and surely we shall find Him in every aspect of our lives and everywhere else around us.Let us make Him the foundation of our lives, tghe most solid Rock of Ages upon which we are built. Let us violently knock on His Door and He the Door shall be opened to us so that we can enter into Him and into His glorius Kingdom.
Let us first seek Jesus Christ, Who is the Omnipresence and the Kingdom of God and Who Himself is God, and everythng else that He regards as best and most profitable to us, shall be given to us as well by His great providence.
The Lord our God is our Good Shepherd and we shall not want.
Therefore let us all retun to Him, Who is the Light, from our various paths in which we have gone astray like lost sheep in the dark and let us be enlightened by Him and through Him, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, the Light of God and God Himself.
For He is the Lord our God and He is our great Provider and in Him alone we trust since He alone is our Creator, Our Help and our Salvation.
All glory and honour be to Him alone .
Thank you so much Jesus Christ for being fully and completely God in my life through the presence of Your Holy Spirit always leading me, watching over me and keeping me focused on You .Amen.
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