Peace be to you all through Jesus Christ our Lord and God and Saviour of us all ! My Name is Benedicta.I am a servant and a child of the Most High God who reveals Himself to us through HIS IMAGE and HIS TESTIMONY, JESUS CHRIST. I am here to testify and to proclaim His most Holy Name and His Glorious Kingdom with all of you...that His most Holy and Powerful Name shall be great and glorified among the nations and among His people! To HIM ALONE be ALL Gory, Honour and Praise .AMEN.
Das Werk JESUS Christus @ Jesaja 61
Isaiah 61
Jesus Christ speaks:
1The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted,to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 2to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,3and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,the oil of joy instead of mourning,and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.They will be called oaks of righteousness,a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.4They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated;they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.5Strangers will shepherd your flocks;foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.6And you will be called priests of the Lord,you will be named ministers of our God.You will feed on the wealth of nations,and in their riches you will boast.7Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion,and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land,and everlasting joy will be yours.8“For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and wrong-doing. In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them.9Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed.”10I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness,as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.11For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow,so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.
Mittwoch, 6. November 2013
Sing unto the Lord a new song...of your life!
I love to sing.especially to the Lord, i always thought. Until the Almighty God revealed to me how wrong i have been with this thought always.
For we deliberately sing and choose the songs we sing delibereately and by outward , apparent and emotional criteria:
There are some singers, we love to hear, some voices we admire the most, some genres of songs we like to hear and sing the most, some songs we like the most- the ones we call our favourites, etc.
All this is based on our tastes and choices, not of God´s taste and choice. And it is therefore definetly not of His Holy Spirit. For God Taste and Choice is based on His Holy Spirit Who is in Jesus Christ and Who is Jesus Christ Himself.
Jesus Christ is the Taste and the Choice and the Song of God. He is the man after God´s heart and His songs are the songs after Gods heart. He is God´s own songwriter and we who accept, live and abide in Him through His grace are the songs that He writes ,when He comes to livein us, dwell in us , have communion with us, and causes us to be like Him and to be one with Him in His Body and in His Holy Spirit.
God says: "Our minds are not His mind and our ways are not His ways."
The songs we like to hear is not the song God wants to heart. The song He wants and loves to hear is for example, the song He gave to David, Solomon, Miriam, Mary etc. These people sang under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God and in the revelaton of Him as Jesus Christ. Their songs came directly from God and God had a message of Salvation for them and for us in their songs. This Message of salvation which revelas the Saviour, the Messiah, is Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Salvation Himself.He is the Messiah that the Holy Spirit of God sung about through these people.
God still gives us His own songs and causes us to sing them when He want us to do so like He did with David,Solomon, Miriam, Mary, etc..These are His prophetic songs sung under the inspiration of His Holy Spirit which convey Messages from Him to us, letting us know some of the things in the spirit and of the Holy Spirit of the living God who is Jesus Christ.
But Jesus Christ is the very first Song and the only Song God wants to heart from us. And since Jesus Christ is the nature, the attidude, the Holy Spirit and everything of God, and since God knows Himself already, He does not want or need us to tell Him Who He is but He wants us to demonstrate to Him and show Him Who He is by demonstrating and showing (His) Jesus Christ in our daily lives.
God is Who He is ( " I am that I am" ) and since we have been created in His own Image (spiritually, that is in His Holy Spirit), we should also be "who He is". That is pure and holy like Jesus Christ and that is why God Himself came down to earth and put on a (holy) human body to demonstrate holiness to us and to show us that it is possible to be a human being and still live a holy life in and under the Holy Spirit of God. That is by truely accepting Him and living and suffering for His Holy Spirits ( who brings us holiness) sake like He did for our sake, so that in this we might have the fullness of His joy and eternal life in Him which is He Himself .
The human body of Jesus Christ was holy because both Mary and Joseph had no part in His conception.It was the Holy Spirit of God and thus God Himself Who dwellt in His phycical but holy body. Mary was a virgin and her body was just a carrying vessel into which God ´s Holy Spirit could enter because of its sinless state and form e new being in her and out of her, that is the Fruit of Mary´s womb which Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit of God made Himself a body, that is He became flesh in and out of her; He became Jesus Christ who was and is all holy.That is filled with the Holy Spirit, the Power of God. That is why People could just touch Jesus and get well. Because He was and is God. For only God is holy, just and righteous and Jesus was and is all of this, making Him God..
Thus also when the Holy Spirit of God comes to dwell in us like He dwellt in Mary, it gives birth to a new being in us, which is the Body of Jesus Christ and Himself. And there we are born again , not of the flesh but of the Holy Spirit of God . The Holy Spirit (re)produces itself in us inform of His Holy Friuts and causes as to grow and mature in Him by living in His Fruit like Jesus.
(To the fruits of the Holy Spirit, please read Galatians 5:22ff )
God is the Holy Spirit. His standards and views are spiritual, not human standards and views. ANd for this reasn He is not interested in our human voices but in our spiritual voices.The voices that we find beautiful might not be beautiful to Him at all if a person does not have and live in His Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, while the voice that we find "ugly" may be the most beautiful voice in the world if a person has and lives in His Holy Spirit through Jesus.
For there is only one Voice that God hears and acknowledges, that is His own Voice through Jesus Christ. So Jesus Christ should be our Voice and our attitude with which we sing our lives to God, by living our lives like Jesus, with Jesus, in Jesus and for Jesus continuously.
Jesus Christ is the Voice of God .He is the Voice given to us by God with and through which we should call on Him (as it is written), speak, sing and communicate with God. And He is the only Voice God answers that is why we should pray, that is speak, through Him and ask in His Name.
That is why He is the only Medtiator, for He intercedes and mediates between God and us. He joins and reunites us with God our Father by becoming one with us, just as he is one with the Father.
God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit of Jesus Who is now with and in Him and we speak to God through the same Holy Spirit of Jesus Who is and dwells in anyone who has truely accepted Him.To live like Him, to suffer like Him and to die to this worldl like Him. But also to resurrect and reign like, with and in Him in eternity and have His fullness of love, joy, peace, etc and share in His glory.
That is why the Holy Spirit of Jesus is also called the Interpretor: For He interprets our language to God and God´s language to us in the Spirit. Sometimes also in tongues which are audible to our human ears but incomprehensible to our human minds. These are the languages of the Holy Spirit of God given to the children of God to communicate with their Father
Jesus is the language of God and His Holy Spirit is the Interpretor of Him. So whoever receivecs Jesus as the Truth and in truth, receives the Holy Sprit in his spirit and he receives the Wisdom and ,understanding of God through Jesus, which is Jesus Christ Himself. And the Holy Spirit makes him know and understand the meaning of Jesus as the Word of God made living among us, thus as God Himself living among us and now in us. Immanuel = God is with us.
God has given us a Voice, not only to sing unto Him, but to communicate with Him in all matters and situations and this Voice is Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. So let us use this Voice to call on Him.
This Voice is Jesus Christ. He is made of all the fruits of the Holy Spirit of God. He is the Holy Spirit Himself. And He is God.
Let us therefore call on God with Jesus Christ by calling on God with His Jesus: His Love, His Joy, His Peace, His Wisdom, Hs Faithfulness, His Kindness and Gentleness, His Justice, His Righteousness, His Forebearance, His Self-control, His Endurance, His Goodness and His Everything, Who is Jesus Christ Himself, King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the one and only Almighty God in heaven and on the earth. " For heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool".What other dwelling place can we build for Him except for the one , the ark, that He Himself has built for us which is Jesus Christ who lives in us!
No one comes to God the Father except through Jesus Christ, Who the very first Fruit of the Holy Spirit of God , Who is in God and Who Himself is God. No one can know and understand God or communicate with God or truely have anything to do with God without His Holy Spirit Who is in Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ is God and He is everything of God. We must need Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of God in order to become of God , to be in God and to be with God. For if through and in Jesus Christ, God is with us (Immanuel), then through the same Jesus Christ, we are with and in God. "And we can do all things through Him (Jesus Christ) who strenghtens us" and Who, is our strength. And also we can ask for all things through Him (Jesus Christ).
And because He is Everything, we end up asking for Him in this manner and we receive Him as God´s Answer of His Faithfuness and Justice, His Providence and Assurance and Everything else that is of Him and comes from Him through His Holy Spirit. In and through the most powerful Name of Jesus Christ.
It is written: "Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
And this is written in regards to Jesus alone,for the Kingdom of God consists of God and since God is revealed to us through Jesus and God is Jesus, Jesus is the Kingdom of God that we should first seek; and then shall everything else be added unto as. For everything belongs to Jesus who is God. So then,
Ask for Jesus Christ, God´s Holy Spirit, and He shall be given unto you,
Seek Jesus Christ, God´s Holy Spirit, and you shall find Him
Knock on the Door which is Jesus Christ, God´s Holy Spirit and He shall be opened unto you.
On Mount Sinai the people of God sincerely did all of this and God granted Him to them. They asked for His Prophet, His Voice, His Messiah, His Jesus Christ and He God gave Himself to them in a form that they could bear , hear and understand, along with His Holy Spirit to help them do so. For God can never be separted from His Holy Spirit, since He Himself is the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit of Whom Jesus Christ was conceived, making Him God. For He (Jesus Christ), that is of the Holy Spiritof God is of God and is God Himself!
We asked for this Voice on Mount Sinai when we decided (filled with awe and Terror at the sound of His Voice for His Voice is Judgement and were where not ready for it then and still are not) that we cannot hear and contain His Voice and pleaded with Him never to let us hear This Voice of Judgement. And loving and faithful as He was and is and ever shall be, He promised to send us His Prophet, His earthly Voice that we can perceive, endure and contain because it is fille with is Love, His Peace and His Grace. This Prophet and the earthly Voice of God was and His Jesus Christ, the Living God -God among the living = Immanuel - (the Anointed One of God upon Whom the Spirit of the Living God dwells).
Let us therefore use this most beautiful Voice of God to sing to Him, our Almighty Creator and God.
Most of the songs we sing are noises in His Ears, for many reasons.
First and foremost our Motivation of singing to the Lord mostly come from our emotions: sad Songs when sad, joyful Songs when joyful, grateful Songs when grateful, etc.
But if our singing is our way of worshiping Him, then we are not doing this accurately because His Word says that: " Those who worship Him should worship Him in Truth and in Spirit." And not out of their emotions or hearts.
For He says " Our hearts are deceitful and corrupt" and " Nothing good comes out of us." Except for the Goodness He Himself puts into us, that is Jesus Christ.He is the KIngdom of God and Him we should seek and then shall everything be added unto us. And if we ask for the Holy Spirit of Jesus, that is if we honestly seek Him with all our hearts, our souls, our Spirit, our might, our passion, our everything, then He will be given to us.
And when Jesus makes us, our hearts, our souls,our spirits, our minds. our bodies and our whole being His dwelling place, then we will be and live like Him and our lives will be a beautiful, lovely, peaceful, joyful, etc. song unto God, because Jesus is the Beauty, the Love, the Joy, the Peace and everything else of God made manifest, visible, audible, and touchable to us through His Holy Spirit that comes to dwell and fill our whole being completely. if we truly accept Him to be the foundation and the centre of our lives, that is the most solid Rock we are built upon and can never be shaken.
To Him alone, our most Solid Rock and Ark of Refuge and Salavtion be all glory, honour, praise, adoration and all that is good and worthy in Jesus Christ, our Lord and God. Amen.
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